Belly Fat Gone in 60 days ——-> GFS gets it FIXED permanently Reema Dsouza
Mrs Reema D’Souza , 33 years Young,
My beautiful client from DUBAI – UAE approached me with the concern of BELLY FAT.
SHE got to know about GET FIT WITH SHILPI [GFS] From her husband Mr Lionel who was GFS client .
REEMA , was highly impressed with her Husband’s fitness journey.
She was also motivated by all the results of GFS and hence wanted to under go body transformation with the help of this program.
She enroll in the month of October 2024
Here is her result obtained in 60 days .
——> Also reduced good 7-8kgs with well toned body
——-> Postpartum Belly gone !
——> BMI moved from Overweight to NORMAL
———> Now Maintaining her fit wood exceptionally well.
Congratulations Gorgeous 💕